

Adding custom files to distribution lists

Adding custom files

Note: Using the approach described in this section, you can only handle files that are independent of Allplan. To add or remove Allplan layouts to or from the distribution list, you have to use the layout selection.

To add a file to the distribution list of a single contact

  1. Click to select the contact who is to get an additional file.
  2. Click Add file on the upper toolbar of the Allplan Exchange dialog box.

    The Select file to add dialog box is displayed.

  3. Select the folder with the file you want to add.
  4. Click Open.

The program adds the file to the distribution list of the currently selected contact.

To add a file to the distribution lists of all contacts

  1. Click Add file to all contacts on the upper toolbar of the Allplan Exchange dialog box.

    The Select file to add dialog box is displayed.

  2. Select the folder with the file you want to add.
  3. Click Open.

The program adds the file to the distribution lists of all contacts of the current contact list.

To remove a specific file from the distribution list of a single contact

  1. Click to select the relevant contact from whose distribution list you want to remove a file.
  2. In the distribution list, click the file you want to remove with the right mouse button and select Remove file on the shortcut menu.

The program removes the file from the distribution list of the currently selected contact.

To remove a specific file from the distribution lists of all contacts

The program removes the selected file from the distribution lists of all contacts of the current contact list.

To remove all additional files from the distribution lists of all contacts

  1. Click a distribution list with the right mouse button.
  2. Choose Remove all files from all contacts on the shortcut menu.

The program removes all additional files (not the layouts!) from the distribution lists of all contacts.

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