Overview of options
Saving, retrieving and resetting options
You can make general settings for the Bar Reinforcement, Meshes and BAMTEC task areas.
You can make settings in the following areas:
Bar reinforcement
Detailed information on the following options is provided in "Bar reinforcement":
Steel grade of area reinforcement
Maximum bar length
Minimum bar length
Factor for diameter
Round-off value for bar spacing
Circular reinforcement
Detailed information on the following options is provided in "Circular reinforcement":
Maximum bar length
Minimum bar length
Minimum radius
Maximum rise
Detailed information on the following options is provided in "Mesh reinforcement":
Round-off value for mesh length
Round-off value for mesh width
Placement limit for excess mesh
Detailed information on the following options is provided in "BAMTEC, carpet-specific reinforcement parameters":
Bar steel grade
Strip steel grade
Maximum bar length
Maximum carpet weight
Maximum diameter
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