Options palette

Tool(s): Render


Using these options, you can define whether the program is to include specific materials or their surfaces (see Assign Custom Surfaces to 3D, Archit. Elements) when rendering the image: The program does not calculate areas with a surface property of which you have not selected the check box. Therefore, these areas appear as black areas in the rendered image.

So you can limit test renderings to specific surface properties, optimizing computing times. If an image does not include materials with the surface property in question, the options do not affect the time it takes the program to render the image.

Note: The settings you make here are independent of the settings in Show/Hide.


Controls transparent surfaces (Surface properties palette, Transparency: value > 0%).


Controls refraction (Surface properties palette, Refraction: refractive index<> 1).


Controls reflections (Surface properties palette, Glossy reflection, Intensity: value > 0%).

Shadow quality

Controls shadows.

When you select this option, the program calculates shadows in accordance with the settings in Surroundings.

Matte effect

Controls the glossy effect on transparent and reflective surfaces (Surface properties palette, Roughness: value > 0%).


Controls surfaces with textures (see Assign Custom Surfaces to 3D, Archit. Elements).

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