Entering points, example 3

Entering points, examples

This example involves drawing a wall at an offset of x = 2 m and y = 3 m from an existing wall corner. The new wall is to be 3 m long and it is to be drawn at an angle of 45 degrees.


  1. Click Wall and set the parameters of the new wall.
  2. Move the crosshairs to the corner: the program snaps to this corner.
  3. In the dialog line, enter:
    X = 2,
    press TAB to go to the next data entry box,
    Y = 3
    and press ENTER to confirm.

    This defines the start point of the new wall.

  4. Click Polar coordinates and enter 45° - TAB - and 3 m.

    The wall is displayed correctly in the preview.

  5. Press ENTER to confirm - that’s all!

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