Corner window parameters, reveal tab

Corner window parameters

The parameters you can set up depend on the number of construction layers in the wall and whether you want to include reveals in the opening. (You can make this setting in the Parameters area.) Facing on the right/left is taken into account in the reveals.


You can define a reveal style here for walls with multiple construction layers.

Select one of the types presented:


Create reveal element

You can choose to show or hide the reveal here.

Depending on the type of reveal you have selected, four different parameters are available. The abbreviations are explained in the legend.

Outer reveal, Inner reveal, Depth


The abbreviations used in the preview are explained here.

Open/save favorite file

When you want to save a defined reveal as a favorite file, click in the tab.
To retrieve a favorite file, click .

Input side of opening width

The exterior side is always to be used to enter the opening width of corner windows; i.e. the side of the wall/corner you clicked when entering the corner window.

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