Here you can specify whether composite elements, BYBLOCK and BYLAYER hierarchies, plans and document references are resolved/exploded during the transfer operation.
Composite elements
When the Composite elements check box is activated, composite elements (e.g., groups / entity groups) are resolved.
From layer
Elements with the 'From layer' property assume their attributes (e.g. color and line type) from the layer on which they are drawn. You can use this option to specify whether this association is to be retained or not.
From block
Elements with the 'From block' property assume their attributes (e.g. color and line type) from the block to which they belong. You can use this option to specify whether this association is to be retained or not.
Layouts /XRef files (for export only)
You can specify whether layouts are resolved before being exported or whether they transferred as complex elements.
Convert XRef to smart symbol
Each document becomes a smart symbol, which is exported and inserted as a block in AutoCAD. When you explode this block in AutoCAD, hatching styles and all the elements within this block are exploded. When importing, XRefs are inserted as smart symbols in Allplan.
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