Transfer all data used
All the data in the source file is converted (when importing) or selected (when exporting). Elements you exclude from the transfer operation (due to a filter in the Transfer elements area or an architectural filter in the Interfaces settings) are ignored.
Transfer currently visible data
Only the data that is set visible in the file is converted. The following data is not transferred:
Transfer elements as 2D
2D and 3D elements are converted to 2D (3D elements are converted to 2D elements in the process). Advantage: requires less disk space!
Transfer elements as 3D
All the elements are converted to 3D. 2D elements are converted to 3D elements whose Z coordinate=0.0.
Transfer elements as 2D/3D
All the elements are transferred in their respective number of dimensions (2D or 3D). Elements that are not available in 3D in the destination system are transferred so that they are available, i.e., in 2D.
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